Our PTA is made up of parents and staff and our main aim is to raise money and support projects in school.
In recent years the PTA's main focus has been to raise money for a new school library (new furniture and lots of lovely new books) and to provide a replacement projector and electronic screen in the main hall to support teaching and learning, assemblies and productions.
How do we fund raise?
*Christmas Fair
* Summer Fair
* Dress up days
* Coffee mornings/afternoons
* Refreshments at Sports Day/Parent Consultation
* Film nights
* Bingo Nights
* purchasing a writing and maths shed for EYFS
* purchasing a story chair for EYFS garden
* helped towards purchasing ipads for EYFS
* provide leavers gifts for Year 6
* funded leaver's events for Year 6
We always welcome parents/ carers who may wish to help - if you are interested. We love new ideas and if you would like to feel involved with the school please get in touch with us either by leaving your name and contact details at the school office or visiting our facebook page - and our PTA will be in touch!