Our Computing intent is to enable pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. Through the core computer science skills (including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation)
pupils will be taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. Pupils will be equipped with knowledge and understanding enabling them to use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content. Pupils will use digital literacy to express themselves and develop their ideas through information and communication technology, at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world. At the heart of the Computing curriculum lies our Methley Magic FIVE: motivation (ensuring children are excited about the digital world that surrounds them), perseverance (the ability to troubleshoot and debug to achieve the optimal results and progress possible), respect (the understanding of their digital presence within the world and the impact it has), communication (both interpersonal and within the global environment) and collaboration (through sharing of knowledge, resources and experiences both within “real” and virtual worlds).
Allowing children to explore, experiment and engage with technology both stretches their minds and encourages the thirst for further knowledge. Time with digital and technical resources that may not be available to them at home allows all pupils to encounter opportunities. Our teaching facilitates pupils to see both the internet and resources used with purpose and to achieve outcomes, as well as being entertaining and enabling social media.
Children are taught resilience through the procedural teaching of tasks using an input, planning, evaluation and debugging cycle. They are encouraged to appreciate that First Attempts In Learning do not always achieve the required output and that Learning Pits will develop their computational thinking, understanding and skills.
Alongside the National Curriculum, IPC units enable children to gain knowledge of how Computing and Information Technology interacts within the wider world, educational and employment opportunities. Units encourage children to think about and discuss the use of computers and technology within both the lives of themselves and the people around them (including visitors to school, families and professionals that they meet). We encourage children to have an understanding of how technology has changed over time and how this impacts on the world that we live in.
Within the three areas of Computing (Computer Science, Digital Literacy and Information Technology) our children learn to become practical problem solvers whilst being responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology. They will use a variety of spoken, written (word and diagram) and presentational tools to support and deliver their learning outcomes. They will experience practical and abstract learning, understanding of new and unfamiliar computational terminology whilst building upon existing (and practised) skills and knowledge.