At Methley Primary School we use the 'La Jolie Ronde' scheme of work and resources to ensure we offer an exciting, inclusive and relevant Spanish curriculum that will motivate our children to persevere and achieve success (M+P=S).
Spanish provides children with opportunities for investigation and exploration, it allows children to develop a useful skill as well as the opportunity to learn about a variety of cultures across the world.
At Methley we ensure that each Spanish unit is upheld by the ‘four pillars of language’: Listening, Speaking,Reading and Writing. From when they start to learn Spanish in Year 3 to when they end their journey with us in Year 6, children will be continuously and consistently applying their Spanish skills in all four areas of language.
Throughout key stage two Spanish, children are taught the basic phonetic and grammar rules used within the Spanish language. This is delivered with a analytic phonic approach following an ‘I do, we do, you do’ structure. This approach provides children with a safe and encouraging environment to explore.
By the end of Year 6 children should be able to:
Write a short paragraph with at least 30-60 words in Spanish about their chosen subject. This should include the use of a range of vocabulary, using both adjectives and verbs correctly.
Show their understanding of the correct gender pronouns used within the Spanish language and use them correctly.
Express three opinions, either verbally or in written form.
Have a simple conversation with a peer asking and answering questions.
In Year 3, children will focus on learning a basic phonetic knowledge, simple phrases and key grammar rules. As we move into Year 4, children will still have a large focus on phonetic knowledge, with more grammar incorporated into the lessons. Teaching also starts to be more explicit in the terminology and explanations. Within the Spanish lesson children will have a familiar ‘I do, we do, you do’ structure to ensure continuity of our quality first teaching as well as to build confidence in a new language.
As we move through school and into Years 5 and 6, lessons will start to contain more content both in written and speaking sessions. As we continue to develop on our knowledge, children will be encouraged to attempt written paragraphs and speak more fluently and accurately from memory.
Most importantly we aim to foster a love of learning languages and discovering new cultures so that children will be excited about learning new languages in the future. We aim to showcase to children all the wonderful parts of the world you open yourself to when you have the ability to communicate in a different language.