Reading is the foundation that underpins everything we do at Methley Primary School.Our pupils will ‘Learn to read. Read to learn. Love to read.’
Learn to read: we want our children to be able to read fluently with a good understanding. Furthermore, to acquire a wide range of vocabulary and an understanding of grammar and punctuation.
Read to learn: our children will develop the habit of reading widely and often for both pleasure and information.
Love to read: our children will become life-long readers
‘Learn to read.Read to learn. Love to read’ underpins everything we do.
We carefully choose books and texts which are linked to our topic or English curriculum but also allow our children to read and explore books according to their own interests. We promote and allow reading to play a key part in our entire curriculum. Reading plays a key part in our entire curriculum.
We design and use challenging books, texts and vocabulary, which enables our children to develop the skills of perseverance. We FAIL (first attempt in learning) and learn from this.
Our curriculum is based on the National Curriculum but at the heart of it: is learning to read, reading fluently and explore new vocabulary. In essence: ‘Learn to read. Read to learn. Love to read.’
Through a consistent approach to reading, initially we teach our children to read using a phonics curriculum - Read Write Inc.
Then, when children have mastered the fundamentals, we teach them to be fluent readers in everything they read.
We actively model the skills of reading including using prior knowledge, visualisation, prediction, meaning breakdowns and how to repair them, identification of keywords and finding the gist, we use the ‘Read aloud - think aloud’ approach.
We model and allow children to independently comprehend what they read using VIPERS (Vocabulary, Infer, Predict, Explain, Retrieve and Sequence and Summary)
We aim to promote a lifelong love of reading to unlock countless opportunities to engage our children including hooks, author visits, library visits and using library books, reading areas in all classrooms and whole school reading events with parent involvement.
We provide opportunities for children to collaborate and share their reading experiences and views.
We encourage children to make links to the wider world by using a variety of texts throughout our curriculum.